When was the last time you took some time out for yourself to focus on self-care?
Realising the importance of self-care will help you protect your overall health and wellbeing long term, this also includes your mental health
Prioritising self-care shouldn’t be considered as an act of being selfish and you shouldn’t feel guilty for doing it
Life can get busy and it easy to feel you are constantly on the go. Being able to recognise when life feels too much and incorporating time for some self-care gives you a chance to step back, take that time you need and put yourself first
Self-care doesn't have to be one big thing but can be all the little things you do to look after yourself. It is about listening to how you feel and trying to recognise and understand what you can do to care for yourself.
Self-care isn’t the same for everyone and depending on how you are feeling your may find that your needs are different
Some simple things to prioritise could be making sure you are hydrating, eating and sleeping well, when your tired or hungry that can have an impact and the food we eat can affect our mood
Try and factor some time in for yourself and then plan around it. Go and do something you enjoy, or get out for some fresh air and exercise, if you are busy, you won’t make the time to go and do it
With self-care the thing to remember is not what it looks like or how you achieve it, but what it does and how it makes you feel as that is your reason for doing it
When it comes to self-care it’s not about focusing on one thing, it’s about doing your own thing, that works for you
How to Improve your overall Wellbeing
Self-care: 7 tips for putting yourself first - BHF
Self-care: Resources to enable the prioritisation of Mental Health and Wellbeing
Self-Care and Mental Health
Self-care for mental health problems - Mind
Self-Care | Young People's Mental Health | YoungMinds
A Guide To Self Care | Mental Health And Self Care | The Mix
Self-Care information and tips for young people
Self-care tips videos for young people - Every Mind Matters - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Information for 11-18 year olds - looking after yourself - Mind
Self-care for parents and carers | Anna Freud
Self-Care Toolkits