If you are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, there is a wide range of support available through various charities and organisations
For many people accepting who they are and coming out remains the first hurdle they must overcome
This can certainly be a very challenging and worrying time.
Some of the challenges and worries the LGBTQIA+ community face is the fear of how others will react being rejected by family and friends or the impact it could have within their working environments
Growing up and feeling different, often from a young age can impact heavily on a person's mental health
Knowing that you are different to your friends because of who you find attractive or feeling that you are trapped in the wrong body are real feelings and for many these feelings are not just a phase
For those who feel trapped and begin the journey to transition the overall impact on a person’s mental health and emotions alongside the side effects of treatment can be a very difficult time.
Considerations to the feelings of family and friends who are navigating and supporting a family member, a friend or a work colleague who has come out also need to be sensitively considered, for some this could be a very challenging time in accepting the change
We have put together a comprehensive list of support links for everyone within the community young people, families, parents, and friends to help, support and make sure that nobody ever feels alone or isolated in what they are going through:
Supports LGBTQ people aged 16-25 who are homeless or living in a hostile environment.
Being Gay is OK
Provides advice and information for LGBTQ+ people under 25.
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Professional body for talking therapy and counselling. Provides information and a list of accredited therapists.
Provides wellbeing and sexual health information and support for young people.
Directory of services and groups for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (FFLAG)
Offers support to parents, friends and family members of those who identify as LGBT+.
0207 704 2040 (LGBT+ hate crime helpline)
0800 999 5428 (LGBT+ domestic abuse helpline)
0800 130 3335 (Conversion therapy helpline)
Provides helplines and other support for LGBT+ adults and young people who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence or domestic abuse.
Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)
Works to improve the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender.
Gendered Intelligence
Charity supporting young trans people aged under 25, and information for their parents and carers.
Hub of Hope
UK-wide mental health service database. Let’s you search for local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support. You can filter results to find specific kinds of support.
LGBT Foundation
0345 3 30 30 30
Advice, support and information for people identifying as LGBTQ+.
London Friend
Offers services to support LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing, including support groups and counselling. These are available online, as well as in person around London. And provides information for on topics including mental health, coming out, and drug and alcohol use.
0808 801 0400
Supports gender-diverse young people aged 19 and under, and their families and carers. Offers a helpline and webchat.
Mindline Trans+
0300 330 5468
Free, confidential listening service for people identifying as trans or non-binary, and their friends and families.
Mind Out
LGBTQ Mental Health Service
NHS talking therapies self-referral
Information about local NHS therapy services for certain mental health problems. You can self-refer (England only) but you must be registered with a GP.
Service run by Islington Mind to support LGBTQI+ people. Runs weekly online drop-in groups and activity sessions, including a drop-in session for asylum seekers and refugees.
Pink Therapy
Online directory of qualified therapists who identify as or are understanding of minority sexual and gender identities.
116 123 (freephone)
Samaritans are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. You can visit some Samaritans branches in person.
08000 50 20 20
Information and advice for LGBT people on a range of issues.
Stonewall Housing
020 7359 5767
Specialist housing advice for anyone identifying as LGBT+ in England.
0800 0119 100
Listening services, information and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.
Terrence Higgins Trust
0808 802 1221
Provides support for LGBT+ people worried about their sexual health, including via a listening service.