Certified Cavity Quality Mark
Cavity Dental Staff Blog

Afternoon Tea for Two

14th Mar 2018

Big news for you all!

Back at the end of February we launched a competition on Facebook for a chance to win afternoon tea for two. It was simple really, all you had to do was like, share and comment on the post. This has been circulating for 2 weeks now and we have chosen a winner at random. Well, technically Google has. It is amazing how much you can do online! Before I reveal the winner though, I thought I would share some interesting statistics with you.

In total we had 167 reactions - a combination of 'likes' and 'loves'

86 shares altogether. Imagine how many people far and wide saw the post?!

All in all a lot of love for Cavity - we have had several nurses saying how much they enjoy working for Cavity. Nurses that have moved on saying how much they miss working for Cavity and Practices/Practice Managers commending staff throughout the WHOLE company on always being able to deliver. Well done everybody.


And the well deserved winner is.......   Jaid Gould. Congratulations to you.

